Motor Vehicle Tax Bill Changes

Sale or Disposal of a Motor Vehicle

As a courtesy, the Department of Motor Vehicles sends a list of all the vehicles registered to the Town of Essex on October 1, to the Assessor’s Office. We hope you will find the following information helpful should you have a concern or need a change on a motor vehicle assessment.  If you have placed the same marker plates on a new vehicle, DMV will notify our office of that change.  Please pay any bills you have received for the car you got rid of as this will work itself out later in the year.

Notify the Assessor’s Office in the event of a totaled, sold, or stolen vehicle, or address change to ensure that you will receive any credit that is due on a vehicle for which you turned in the marker plates.  The DMV will not automatically forward the information.  A copy of the cancelation of plates/registration you obtained when you canceled your registration with the DMV is required in order to make a change to the bill.

Please note that per CGS 12-71c any application for credit must be submitted by December 31st following the end of the next assessment year in which the situation occurred.  For example, if you have a vehicle on the 10/01/2023 Grand List that was sold some time prior to September of 2024, you must ask for an adjustment before December 31, 2025.