Parks and Nature Preserves in Essex

Maps and General Information about the Public Parks in Essex

Bike Path Map

A map of bike paths available in the town of Essex. This map also includes markings for public access kayak launches and hiking trails. 

Bushy Hill Nature Preserve 

Detailed information about the Bushy Hill Nature Preserve including a map, descriptions of plants and animals found in the park, and suggestions for visiting the preserve. 

Canfield-Meadow Woods Nature Preserve

A map of Canfield Meadow Woods which includes hiking trails, a list of entery points, descriptions of plants and animals found in the park, and suggestions/cautions for hikers.  

Viney Hill Brook Preserve

Viney Hill Brook Park map and details for hiking trails, picnicking and paw park for canine friends. Beaver activity can be easily viewed at both Quarry and Wollock’s Ponds.